Denture Implants

No More Loose Dentures and More Confidence

Choose ICare Dental for Denture implants in London

Think Your Loose Dentures Interfere with Your Daily Life? 

If you are among those who have dentures that are always falling off, you are not alone. Conventional dentures are helpful, but they are not permanently fixed and may become ill-fitting as you age because your jawbone changes. These fluctuations can lead to problems in eating and speaking as well as concern about the appearance of your smile. However, there is a better way of solving this problem, and that is through denture implants. 

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Types of Implant-Retained Dentures

Dental implants in London may be classified into different types: 

Ball-Retained Dentures:

These are designed with balls at the implants, making them fit tightly in the mouth and cannot move. 

Bar-Retained Dentures:

These dentures are supported by a thin metal bar that runs across the dental implants, arching over your jawline to ensure that they remain in place when you eat or speak. 

Types of Implant-Retained Dentures

Overdentures or implant-retained dentures are a great improvement for those who want a stable and comfortable solution. Unlike conventional dentures, which sit loosely on the gums, dental implants hold these dentures firmly. This special treatment of Dental implants in the UK makes it possible for the dentures to fit firmly and securely as natural teeth so that you can eat and speak without any complications. 

Denture Implants can have 2 to 4 implants that hold a full set of upper or lower teeth in place. They are anchored in the jawbone and offer support to the dentures. This increases functionality and ensures the facial structure’s bones do not degrade, thus keeping the face’s shape intact. 

Who Will Benefit from Dental Implants?

Experiencing Discomfort with Traditional Dentures:

If you have pain or sores because of shifting dentures, implant-retained dentures will not shift or cause discomfort.

Individuals Seeking a Natural-Looking Smile:

When dentures are not well-fitting, they make the face look hollow or shrunk. Implant-retained dentures, as opposed to conventional dentures, provide esthetics and also prevent further bone resorption.

Removable Teeth:

They are not fixed like fixed dental bridges, but they can be taken out easily for cleaning and other related purposes. This helps with proper oral hygiene and comfort while ensuring that the teeth fit the patient perfectly.

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Get in Touch Today!

Who Will Benefit from Dental Implants?

Book a Free Consultation Online: We at iCare Dental are available anytime. Book your appointment now. Schedule a Virtual Consultation: Easy, video-based consultations to discuss your choices. Enjoy the look and feel of secure teeth with implant-supported dentures. Contact us today to learn how we can help you get the right fit and regain your quality of life. 

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